
Friday, October 7, 2016

Baby Aria {Quilt}

I have a recurring theme this year.  I call it "To the Last Drop Mission".
Basically? When I open up a precut from my stash or new order?
I try to use every single last bit on projects so that I don't have a massive amount sitting around.

After making two large lap quilts and a trivet with my Aria jelly rolls, I cut strips to make a third lap quilt.  And I STILL had plenty of leftover triangles I had cut out of my strips to make a baby quilt.

I could have cut just enough from each pieced strip when I made the lap quilts, but I figured I could piece the leftovers and make a baby quilt.

It was tricky, but I finally found a layout I thought would work.

I raided my stash and found just enough of some leftover Navy grunge to use as a background.

My original plan didn't work out and I did have to settle with the fact that there wasn't going to be more space between each hexagons vertically, but I went with it.

I also found some matching blue minky in my stash for the backing.

I did some simple quilting in each block and meander in the navy.

I am kicking myself for using the blue minky with the white blocks on the front. 

I sometimes find the minky fibers will come to the top when I use a darker color for my backing and a lighter top.

With all the navy in the backing and background, I felt that the pink binding would bring out the great block colors.

I'm not sure where it is going quite yet, but its done and I didn't waste valuable fabric block scraps!

Now all that is left is to piece the other large quilt I have cut out!

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