
Thursday, April 13, 2023

Sew Flower & Sew Geese Block {Sew Scrappy Spools Quilt Along}

One quarter of the way through the year for the quilt along!

For the details of the quilt along, including pattern, supplies, and dates, see my earlier post announcement HERE.

This Month’s Blocks 

Sew Flower Blocks

Four tiny blocks make up the block. 
Four total blocks are needed for the quilt!

Sew Geese Blocks

I thought the flags were my favorite, but I love all four of these for the quilt!

Maybe it's just the beautiful fabrics?

 Stay tuned for next month’s block on Thursday, May 11th!

Previous Blocks:
Month One: Sew Four Patch and Sew Cabin Blocks
Month Three: Sew Flag Blocks

Meet the other Quilters

Keep up with us by following @fatquartershop on Instagram to see and share work from your fellow quilters. Don’t forget to use #SewScrappySpoolsQAL to share your progress on social media on the second Thursday of each month, so we don’t miss seeing your scrappy quilts!

You can find Lori Holt on her blogYouTube Channel, and Instagram (@beelori1).