Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Snowfall Table Runner {Pattern}

Three years ago,  I made a decision to update our Christmas decorations.  I was looking for something more "me" and less "everyone else".  I found it with my Christmas Country .  

One of the key items that caused my desire to change was my Snowfall Table Runner.

I don't like to think that I give "empty" promises to followers... 
I don't break them.  I just deliver them late. 

As promised...I finally finished the Table Runner pattern!

You can find it on my Craftsy Pattern Store HERE for a .pdf download.  

And yes. Its free! I'm just trying to butter y'all up for the ones that won't be in the near future!

P.S.  To those that I promised other patterns/tutorials.  They are coming.  My technical difficulties ended up being a blessing. I was able to organize all of my photos and tutorials better!!  Keep your eyes peeled!!!

1 comment:

I cannot wait to hear what you have to say! Seriously! It makes my day!


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