Our family vacation came to an end this weekend.
We decided to pack all of the boys and head to Maui again like we did two years ago. This time we stayed on a different end of the island. It gave us a different view, different experience, and it was certainly different with a toddler in tow.
We took it easy this time.
Lots of beach bumming instead of touring the island like last time.
We did hop on a sail boat for a trip to the island of Lanai to snorkel.
Then we hopped islands to Oahu to meet up with some very special friends from college. I'd share their photos, but I don't have permission. But picture my four boys with seven more kids!
I am not lying when I say it was fun corralling eleven children
on Waikiki beach, the Luau, and various other beaches and tourist spots!
On the quilt front?
I only stepped into a quilt shop in Oahu that seemed to have only finished quilts.
However, I was a bit suspicious of the manufacturing. A little too reminiscent of quilts that I have encountered that claim "hand quilted" to be honest.
But NO worries.
Both hotels on Maui and Oahu had VERY fine specimens for me to drool over.
I have an itch to do a large one next!
But first I need to finish a few other projects.
I organized my files into different categories.
If you would like a copy, I have a free .pdf download HERE. You can either print it on a full sticker sheet or just print it out on regular paper and just use some packing tape over it.
(shhh...that's how I did it).
Yup. Back to the grind.
Vacation is OVER.