Three and a half weeks later, I'm finally posting about his birthday, but I don't want him to say that I forgot his special day.
I cannot believe I have a child that will be an adult in less than one year.
Button can't believe it either!
The story goes.....the birthday boy wanted boots. Bonafide, good ole, Texas boots. If you have not ever had the honor of buying boots? I have one word for you.
It was also the type of thing that I couldn't go buy and wrap up.
You need to make sure the boots fit perfectly.
So I decided to make him a Texas flag throw pillow to tuck in with his gift card.
The Marquette U. throw pillow was such a big hit last year, I thought it would be fun to do again. Especially since I haven't finished his quilt yet. Yikes.
But then I thought just the boot gift card would be boring, so why not more gift cards? Or better yet? A "certificate" declaring him an official Texan.
He was born in Virginia, but has been here for the past 11 years of his life!
I think he liked it!
(Whataburger is a Texas thang)
And at that point the bunting I made for the fireplace made sense to him.
and the cupcake toppers.
All in all? A pretty successful birthday!
Too much for a seventeen year old...or not enough?