Monday, April 2, 2012

The Consequences

"Be willing to have it so. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune."

~William James

Consequences of going on a scrapbook retreat 
via Flickr "Buttons and Butterflies"

 The Good

Invited best friend to come with me for her first time.
 She is HOOKED!

3 days spent with all my good scrap-booking friends.  Trials, tribulations, and triumphs of our lives shared with each other.

No male testosterone in my vicinity for the 3 day weekend except the retreat owner's husband, who simply restocked the fridge and washed dishes.

29 pages completed to have an completely updated 2011 Family Album.

30 pages completed to have a completely updated 2012 Family Album.
The Bad 

Was only able to start my Hawaii vacation album.  3 pages started? Photos are still not completely sorted properly.

All the scrapbook supplies had to be unpacked and put away. 

Next scrapbook retreat isn't until September.  That means if I don't do any scrapbooking in the meantime, I will have too many pages to update 2012 to even think about my Hawaii album.


Mr. Boss's car overheated approximately one hour after my arrival to the retreat center.  The story of how the car did not arrive to the dealership until late Saturday night is one for the books, but too long for the blog!

Button was wandering most of the weekend calling for "mum-mum" despite various Face Time sessions with my iPad.

Button cried for 20 minutes at bedtime Saturday wanting his "mum-mum".

Button does not allow me to be more than 10 feet of his eyesight since I have returned.  He would also prefer to be on my lap or in my arms.

Button woke up two times in the night just to make sure I had not left, despite the fact that he has been sleeping through the night since he was about 8 weeks old.

 10+ loads of laundry are calling my name.
220 blog posts to read in my Google reader.
45 notifications on Facebook.
40 new emails in my Buttons and Butterflies gmail.
191 new emails in my personal email account.
168 messages in my online account for my sewing and grief support groups.
 One science fair project due Wednesday. Bunny insisted that mommy be the one to help.

One auction t-shirt quilt to be cut, pieced, and quilted with a deadline in a mere few weeks.
 I am reminding myself the good outweighs the bad and the ugly.  


  1. The good totally out weighs the bad! I'm in the same boat as you! I was home and scrapped for two days at a friend's workshop, it was so fun, but I still didn't get all caught up! But I did get tons of new goodies to help keep me motivated! Loving the posts!

  2. Aww, the good totally is worth it. It's overwhelming, I know...but I'm glad you got a fun time away!

  3. The good is not just good but Great! And we all need a weekend away to refresh. I know, for me, that in and of itself is worth it!. I so need to go on a retreat...maybe in June :)

  4. Whew rocked your weekend by being productive! I love to scrapbook but sewing has reeled me in. ;) Isn't it funny how mama pays for it when she leaves the nest? :) Hope that your little one gets settled...


I cannot wait to hear what you have to say! Seriously! It makes my day!


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