Monday, October 8, 2012

Name Game Swap

A million moons ago...okay three....I signed up for the Name Game Swap Round 2 on Flickr.

It was my first swap, and I was really excited because I had seen amazing mini quilts in the first round.  I was TERRIFIED to join.  Was I good enough?  Could I be creative enough?  Could I make my swap partner happy?  But I wanted my own mini quilt so badly, that I threw caution to the wind and signed up!  I can honestly say, that I was so glad I did!

I know I showed sneak peaks, long ago.  I have had several requests to get it in it's entirety posted.
Well, here it is!

My Artist's Palette Mini Quilt

My partner is an Art teacher in Florida.  She stated that she would like something she could share with her class.  She also wanted something incorporated from the area that the quilt came from.  I think she was hoping somewhere more exotic than good ole Texas!

I am very pleased with MOST things about it.

I am very proud of myself for designing a foundation piece to make the flying geese "paint globs".  The little bandanna swatch would not have been my first "red" choice, but I really wanted to include a piece of Texas in there like she instructed!

I am so proud of myself for stepping out of my loops and meandering FMQ box.  First time for pebbles and swirls.  I admittedly, know it needs some work, but I love the look it gave.  I also stepped out of my white background box!


It was also first time I have used a black and white binding that is all the rage for mini's.  I would not normally choose it.  I was actually tempted to do a pieced rainbow colored binding until my Aussie friend Sharon at Lilabelle Lane steered me to the the black and white and I am so glad I did!!!
Thanks Sharon!!

Paint brush with name

The one thing I am not happy about? I am not thrilled with my paintbrush. I either over-quilted it or and I am disappointed in my embroidery of her name.  I REALLY wish I had used my embroidery machine to do a nice bold font.

Brush Tip
The grey stripe for the brush tip?  It blends too much with the gray background?  I tried to add quilting to mimic the brush bristles.

And I made sure I added a quilt label. 
I sometimes forget...Oops!


So enough about what I did....


Of course, my eye went straight to my logo first.

She even used felt and a button like my logo!?!?!?

Then I was distracted by her double fabric flowers with buttons as centers. 

 Her letters...perfection.
 Her binding? Immaculate.
Oh and more buttons.....

Button with a butterfly on it!

 Even the backside was as neat as the front. 

Where did mine come from?  
Czech Republic.


And then as if the quilt wasn't enough, she sent me these two goodies too.

A cool elephant button...I think made of ceramic?  It will have to go on one very special project!

An adorable zipper pouch.  Seriously adorable.  I don't even want to use it and get it dirty!!

Needless to say.  I loved this swap!  It gave me the courage to get out of my box.  It stretched my quilting brain and fingers.  And it broke the ice for me to jump in a new one.

This time Hoops-la-la is on my horizon.

Hoop-la-la inspiration
via my Flickr

Hoops that caught my eye?  Also may help my inspiration?
 Anyone I know joining in?


  1. I love your artist pallette take on the flying geese circle. What a perfect name game quilt! I like your hoop la mosaic too-especially the top right with the curlicue branches.

  2. Your artist palette is amazing! And the mini you received is just so perfect for you. I love that adorable elephant button too. <3 What an awesome swap!

  3. Your Artist Palette is wonderful!! And I love love the quilt you received!! The logo is SPOT ON!

  4. I love the pallet! The mini you received looks great, how thoughtful. :) The hoops look fun.

  5. WOW......both those quilts are amazing! So beautiful full of color!

  6. I am so excited to finally see your finished palette, it is beautiful!
    And the one you received - oh my awesome!!

  7. Two beautiful minis makes a successful swap. You are way to critical of our own work though. Have fun with the new swap. I'm in that one too :) hugs


I cannot wait to hear what you have to say! Seriously! It makes my day!


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