Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time, Talent, and Treasure

     The three words we hear from our pastor on the subject of Stewardship.  Many have the misconception that the churches have their hand out for your money (treasure).  But the fact of the matter is that they need our time and talents.

As a mother of three boys that are attending parochial school, I use this same philosophy towards my efforts for school.  Of course, we pay tuition, but I try to spend some time and put my sewing and crafting skills to work also!

So what is this colorful mess?  This year's contribution to our school auction.  Admittedly, I decided to help my friend who wanted some help for PURELY selfish reasons.

I wanted one something ALL for myself!   This is my oldest son's last year at our school.  He is graduating from 8th grade.  As much as he would love to stay, our school include the high school grades.   My girlfriend and I really wanted to make our 8th grade project special.  It is the last chance we can get something made/designed especially by our child.  Each student chose a charm and a paper.  They also were tasked to write a paragraph either thanking their parents, describing what their experience at the school meant to them, or something spiritual.  They then asked them to pick one word to be placed in the bezel.

We wanted to just make pendants.

But then realized, unfortunately, that some of our students have lost their mothers.  Yes, one left us way too soon just a few months ago.  So then we thought of other uses for the bezels.  

We came up with these:

We thought...
  • key chain
  • Christmas ornament
  • rear view mirror decoration
Frankly, anything you can think of, right?

So I probably will forget to hand in my receipts from the large purchase of supplies, so there is my treasure.  Oh yeah, I have to buy mine too!  As for time...many hours, thankfully shared with a good friend.  Trying to get 75 students to cooperate wasn't as easy as it sounds.  Let alone making sure we used the right paper and charm for the right kid!  And talent?  Not mine, just bringing my knowledge to the table for this one!

  As you can see above, I already put Josh's in a shadowbox, but I hear that the moms are already planning to wear theirs at the graduation ceremony.  I better get the glue dots off the back of mine so I can wear mine too!

  I PROMISE I will post the tutorial on how to make these sooner than later!  And I have a funny story that proves that motherhood does cause brain damage (as Bill Cosby would put it!).

 But in the meantime....aren't they pretty all laid out?

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