Monday, April 18, 2011

Where have I been?

Sitting in front of this......

Why would this be difficult?

Because I haven't been on a Mac since I was in High School.

If you were sitting right next to me, you would have seen that I somehow moved my wireless mouse the wrong way and lost this post.  Thank goodness that Blogger saves my entries as I type!

So, please bear with me.  I had all this tech stuff in the bag finally, but dear hubby talked me into this beast.  Now I have to figure out how to transfer all my information from my laptop, some of which has to be converted.  I can't even pull up some of the photos I have stored on it to show you my newest projects.  I have to figure out if my embroidery software can be made compatible.  If not, I need to do some shopping.

Oh yeah, have I mentioned that I don't even know how to use this thing?  Supposedly, when this arrives at my doorstep in a few weeks...

My life will get better? 

 Or more complicated since I am touch screen challenged.

But I think I have a new saying....

Once you go Mac, you can't go back.

Wish me luck.....

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