Monday, November 12, 2012

Disney Came....

........and vomited Mickey all over the place!

A few shirts for someone's first trip to Disney World!!!!

(I wear the PANTS on this vacation)

This one is my favorite....even though Mr. Boss doesn't get it.


I am also working on some Pirate Mickey shirts for a friend. 

 She and her family are going on a Disney Cruise! 
There is a pirate theme night and they plan to wear some of these!!


Progress in Disney quilt!  Embroidered 10 squares for front and back. Strips cut for the backing!

I made a little progress on the Disney quilt top.

Thanks to or despite Button's help?

Button is Titchin again.

Back to the trenches....I need to add a border, piece a backing, and finish some shirts....

And in case you are wondering why I feel compelled to do all this Mickey stuff?

Someone REALLY likes Mickey Mouse


  1. So cute! I especially love the quilt top. That is going to be perfect for someone special!

  2. Love the Mickey theme, such a cutie in his outfit!

  3. I love the 'Jake and the Neverland Pirates' Mickey. That is awesome. The quilt is adorable. Button really seems to like it too.

  4. Button looks so cute in that custom!!!!


I cannot wait to hear what you have to say! Seriously! It makes my day!


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