Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Little Valentine's


Have I shown you these guys yet?  I woke up yesterday morning with three cards shoved in my face. 
 Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy!!!

I have never really been "into" Valentine's Day.  Hubby calls it a Hallmark Holiday.  I secretly agree....

However, last year, I decided to give the boys a gift on Vday from their sister. They were delighted. 

I decided to continue the tradition this year.....

Their responses:

youngest......Oh, mommy, Jamie gave us a valentine's....I love her
middle........Mom, we got an itunes card from Jamie.  I think she dropped it from heaven on a parachute.  Then it landed near our house and somehow got in our mailbox.
oldest......Oh...silly Jamie....she sent us a valentine's day gift........*BIG SMILE on his face*

I think I might like Valentine's a bit better now..........

BUTTON is due to arrive tomorrow morning..........just sending a shout out to those who are the praying kind.  And if you're not.....we will take "thoughts" too!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying, praying, praying for Button's safe arrival!!! I can't wait to hear the big news!!!


I cannot wait to hear what you have to say! Seriously! It makes my day!


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